About Me

My name is Julie. I spend most of my time reading, watching tv and doing cross-stitch. Sometimes all three at once. I've decided to devote this blog to two of these. I like to review books that I have read and Goodreads.com is one of my favorite websites. I like to show people what I have been working on in cross-stitch. I always have one or the other with me.

I did cross stitches for a company called Ghostitchers. After leaving the company I started my own Etsy store www.etsy.com/shop/99Renae?ref=seller-platform-mcnav.

When I was little my dad would take me someplace and then just add "one" errand onto it. Five hours later we would arrive home; I learned early to carry a book with me. I came to view them as potential friends. Some I didn't spend very much time with, some came into my life quickly, others I was forced to work with. In the end, there are quite a few I considered friends for life.

Any review I do is my honest opinion.

To see more of my reviews go to Goodreads http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/6499618-Julie

I have a vlog on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyBr2ee-C1zXNZJc50zOa2w/videos

Comments are welcome on my thoughts or anything else.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Julie,

    Do you accept requests for book reviews?

    Best Regards,
    S. Thomas Kaza
