Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Night Circus

Title: The Night Circus

Author: Erin Morgenstern

Genre: Fantasy, Romance

Published: September 13, 2011

The circus of dreams would arrive without warning. One day it would be there and then suddenly gone. They were only open at night and everything within were black, white or shades of gray. Very few knew the circus was the battle grounds between two magicians who found themselves in love with their opponent.

Each chapter began by telling the reader when it was taking place. This was important because the chapters did not go in order. I was talking to someone about one section of the book and we decided it would have made less sense if it had actually gone in order. I was very impressed the writer not only was able to do that, she was able to do it well. It felt as if it was a part of the magic that was weaved within what the characters were experiencing.

I loved the language within this book. I felt as if I was wrapped up so I could be taken along the journey with the characters. The words flowed in a lyrical way and I found myself either reading parts of the book to the people around me or I would make them read those parts themselves, they mostly humored me. There were elements I wished I could actually see. I would love to watch the clock or take a tour through the ice garden. Upon finishing the story I found myself a little sad the gate way to that world had ended.

I gave this book 5 stars out of 5.

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